

Auction Press Release

February 21, 2006
Contact: Kathy Sandler (480) 861-7511


(Phoenix,AZ) Theestate of author Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, researcher andwriter of therevolutionary book On Death and Dying will be auctioned on Sunday, February26, 2006. Dr.Kubler-Ross, who wasacclaimed worldwide for her pioneering work on death and grief, died in2004.

Dr. Kubler-Ross?private collection includes a widevariety of effects, including fine furniture, personal mementos and aneclecticmix of items gathered in her lifelong, worldwide travels.
Many of the items werereceived as giftsfrom visitors whom Dr.
Kubler-Ross entertained in her northScottsdalehome.
One of themost unique items tobe auctioned is an authentic Indian tee-pee, which had been erected inherfront yard.

The auction, co-hosted by Cunningham & Associates, Inc. and Auctions Systems, will be held at 2324E. University Drive in Phoenix, on Sunday, February 26, 2006 at 1:00PM-MST.
Iteminspection is availableFriday, February 24 from 10 AM to 2 PM, and again on auction day fromNoon to 1PM.
Online biddingis also availablebeginning Sunday, February 19, 2006 at http://www.auctionandappraise.com/auctionschedule.htm .

A portion of the proceeds of theauction will benefit TheElisabeth Kubler-Ross Foundation, a non-profit organizationthat seeks to teachthe ability to embrace
life and death with compassion.
The EKR Foundation provides bereavementsupport and education, advocacy, and palliative care research, as itcontinuesthe legacy created by Dr. Kubler-Ross during her lifetime.

The EKR Foundation is also in theprocess of creating theElisabeth House, a Community Compassion Center, in collaboration withthe MISSFoundation and Arizona State University's West Campus Collegeof HumanServices, Department of Social Work.
Individual and corporatesponsorships arebeing accepted.

They will be hosting a conferencefor grief and traumaprofessionals and bereaved families, called? When a ChildDies: The Vow toRemember, The Call to Comfort? on May 31-June 4, 2006, inFountain Hills,AZ.
The conferencewill also beavailable via the Internet.

Formore information about theauction, contact Auction Systems at 602-252-4842 or 1-800-801-8880.
For more information aboutthe ElisabethKubler-Ross Foundation, contact Program Director Kathy Sandlerat 480-861-7511,or info@ekrfoundation.org.